Demand Solution Washington 2014

This experience, which lasted three days of mentoring and presentation to present the venture, gave me encouragement and empowerment, and allowed me to meet extraordinary people and diverse ideas in other fields. Although it was a competition and the investment objective was not in my favor at that time, the IDB team really played an…

TIC Americas Panama 2015

This acceleration and coaching opportunity opened up almost a year after having participated in Idear soluciones. In this activity there was a special category that promotes culture. At this moment I understood the potential that digital media have to transform many contents or places into recreational or virtual spaces so that new generations can interact.…

GDC San Francisco 2015

One of my goals when I started out in the gaming category was to go to the GDC (Game Developer Conference). Fortunately, a collaboration program between Agexport and GIZ gave me the opportunity to make this a reality. It was through a market study in which I was involved to gather the potential talent and…

China Yantai Cooking 2016

This was a personal experience in which I had the opportunity to be a kitchen assistant at a very unique event for the transfer of culinary culture. I learned about the order, presentation and discipline of this category of kitchen businesses, as well as about the cultural challenge of communication in cities where only one…